Today I’m celebrating the 1st birthday of this little blog 🎉
A huge thanks to Cotswold Rustic Cakes for gifting me these cupcakes for the anniversary. Absolutely stunning and very delicious (I couldn’t wait until today to try one

could I?!)
I can’t believe it’s been a year since I casually set up an Instagram account for something I’d dreamt of doing for so long and had never got around to. It has honestly been one of the best decisions of my life and it has enabled me to connect with so many foodies & chefs in Oxfordshire that I never imagined I’d find 🙌
A massive thanks to every one of my followers for the likes, comments and especially those who message me with recommendations, foodie finds and feedback on places I’ve recommended. I enjoy this community so much and appreciate every message I receive.
I’m more passionate than ever to spread the news of good food in Oxfordshire and have lots of exciting plans for the next year to continue to do this 📰
Wishing you all a fabulous Sunday and thank you again for your support. Here’s to lots more foodie fun!🍴
Love & food ❤️